Parents, Pupil, Sports & Games, TCIS

Sports activities in Schools always engage students actively. We are living in an increasingly competitive world. You take any field today, there is intense competition. Perhaps nowhere it is more evident than in the world of sports. After all what is sports without competition!!! 

It is the closely fought matches, those edge of the seat thrillers that make sports superstars, what they are. Whether it is cricket, tennis, badminton, soccer, squash, athletics, hockey, kabbadi, you name the sport and the competition is getting more intense by the day. After all, the stakes too are getting higher every day. There are medals, trophies, tournaments to be won, some for the country, and some for the various franchisee league-based systems that have sprung up in almost every sport. 

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There are several things that we can learn from the success of the sporting superstars. One of the most vital aspects we learn from the sports personalities is their Team Spirit to work, progress along with a team. Thus the reason Sports activities in Schools are invited now a days. What is the common thing that we can see in these superstars, the Dhonis, Virat Kohlis, Messis, Ronaldos, Roger Federers, Djovovics, and Sindhus, of this world? What is it that makes them so special? Let us take a closer look at some of the key characteristics. 

Passion and drive:

These sports superstars are known for their passion towards their chosen sport. But then you could argue that most of us have that passion, but not everybody turns out to be an elite sportsperson. It has to be the drive. The fire in the belly. One of the key lessons that we can learn from them is the single minded focus on their passion. 

Constant improvement:

The second thing that we can learn from them is the constant urge for improvement. They say learning does not stop at any time in our lives. Perhaps it is nowhere more evident in the case with sports. These superstars are always looking for ways to improve their standards. A good example is available in the form of Virat Kohli. When he went on his first tour to England in 2014, he just could not put bat to ball. The series ended as a miserable failure for him. However, the next time he traveled there, a couple of years later, he showed them who the master was. 

Thorough preparation:

This is another key reason for the success of elite sportspersons. Take the case of Christiano Ronaldo. The lofty standards that he has set in terms of his fitness and his work ethics, can all be a tremendous source of inspiration in our chosen fields.

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Similarly, Steve Smith of Australia is known to hit hundreds of balls every time he hits the nets for practice, exactly practice makes perfect. He has worked out his own unique technique, backed by his enormous powers of concentration and tremendous self-belief that has made him such a great test batsman. Basketball legend Michael Jordan is another example for someone who practiced for hours together to hone his skills.

Setting new benchmarks:

Sports at the end of the day is all about setting and achieving new benchmarks. Off-course Sports activities in Schools make students get set to go with their goals. While these elite sportspersons are known to keep a close tab of other superstars, it is more of a friendly rivalry. They are always looking for higher benchmarks. They are looking for ways to improve. And they work incredibly hard to achieve their goals. A Michael Phelps who has got a mind boggling 28 medals in swimming events at the Olympics is a great example. Remember, every second or millimeter counts in the world of sports. Elite athletes are forever trying to improve upon their earlier performance. 


The mental strength for self-discipline is something that sets these elite sportsperson from others. Day after day they are willing wake up in the early hours, go through the grind of relentless fitness or practice sessions. The beautiful cover drive that we see from a Virat Kohli best ever player of cricket or the effortless dribble by a Lionel Messi, the sublime backhand from Roger Federer or the pin point smash by Sindhu , to cite a few examples, don’t happen overnight. There is a lot of effort that goes behind. This mental discipline along with thorough preparation is what gives them the self-belief to perform at the big stage and come out winners. 

Enjoying the grind:

Finally, another key thing that sets these elite sports persons apart from others is their ability to put in all this hard work and still have fun. Yes, you need to enjoy what you are doing. The work that you do should not appear a drudgery. If does so, you will reach nowhere. The key here is to give your 120% and enjoy the process. Forget about the results. If you want to attain a particular goal, focus on the preparation, and enjoy the process, just like these elite sports superstars. Once you start attempting things using this approach, you are sure to taste success, in whatever you are doing. Even sports have positive impacts on academics too. Know about the importance of sports and also its impact on every sports person in due with their sincere practice.