
Camford Sports facilities play a crucial role in promoting physical activity and overall well-being among students. These facilities provide students with opportunities to engage in various sports and activities, helping them to develop essential skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience. By having access to well-equipped courts, fields, and tracks, students can participate in a wide range of sports, from basketball and soccer to track and field events. 


Camford’s labs provide students with hands-on learning experiences that enhance their understanding of various subjects such as science, technology, engineering, and math. These labs are equipped with specialized equipment and materials that help students conduct experiments, analyze results, and draw conclusions. By engaging in practical activities, students can apply theoretical concepts to real-life situations, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject matter. Labs also promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and teamwork, as students collaborate on projects and share ideas. 


Libraries offer a quiet space for students to study and do research, as well as the opportunity to explore different genres and topics. It encourages a love for reading and helps improve students’ academic performance. It also teaches important skills such as critical thinking, communication, and information literacy. 

Medical Unit

Camford’s Medical unit is crucial for ensuring the health and well-being of students. This facility provides immediate care and attention to students who may fall ill or get injured during school hours. Having trained medical staff on-site helps in addressing minor illnesses, administering first aid, and managing emergencies effectively. 


The Cafeteria is a great way to provide students with a convenient and nutritious meal option during the school day. Students are getting the proper nutrition they need to stay focused and energized throughout the day. In addition, it promotes a sense of community as students and teachers come together to enjoy a meal.


Counseling in school plays a crucial role in supporting students’ emotional well-being and academic success. It provides a safe and confidential space for students to discuss their concerns. Counselors offer guidance, coping strategies, and emotional support to help students navigate challenges and develop resilience.


Camford Transport is an essential aspect of ensuring that students can get to and from school safely and efficiently. Our reliable transportation options in place helps to ensure that students arrive at school on time, ready to learn. 

Special Education

The Learning Support Programme provides support to students who have been identified with learning disabilities, learning disorders or those who are low achievers. The remedial classes focus on reinforcing concepts, developing language skills (reading and writing), memory skills, mathematical concepts, study skills, science concepts and organizational skills.