Let's Celebrate, Pupil, Talent Buzz, TCIS

Extra curricular activities in School brings out student’s hidden talents out!! Annual Day is one of the pivotal days in schools. This day is an occasion which enhances the skills of the students as well as helps them get rid of their stage fright. The students not only get an opportunity to learn different and unique things but also important skills like teamwork and team building. This way they learn to convey the value based messages.

Now imagine a school life with no fun! What if a school becomes a place where students are only made to study the textbooks without any exposure to co-curricular activities, sports or annual programme, where the students will not get an opportunity to showcase their talent and go beyond academics!. This imagination turned into a reality when the mankind got hit by novel corona virus.

Celebration on Standstill ? No!

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down. It has affected all spheres of our lives to such an extent that even educational institutions could not escape its impact. This unforeseen situation has affected the standard functioning of educational institutes which means the students had to forsake participating in cultural programmes and events.

Camford believes in ‘inspired learning’. We believe learning is an on-going process but learning cannot be confined only to academics. We whip up learning beyond classrooms and in present situation we whip up learning beyond ‘online-classrooms’.  For the all-round development of the students, extra-curricular activities in School and events like annual day, sports day etc.  play a crucial role and to uphold that belief, we came up with Extravaganza 2020.

Welcome to Extravaganza 2020

While the world was trying to adjust with digital classrooms also know to lay digital boundaries for yourself, our Camfordians were busy staging for digital annual program, i.e. Extravaganza, first virtual annual program in the history of the Camford. This event was a wonderful opportunity for the students to unite together and do what they love the most and display their extraordinary talents.  The Annual Day event was divided into two parts; Cultural as well as Sports and more than 200 students appeared on our screens.

Sneak – Peak
Extracurricular activities in school CBSE

The Cultural event was embraced by four shows named Euphoria, Virtuaford, Feliz Fiesta and Extravaganza itself. The event witnessed performances on dance, singing, skit, talk shows, painting, sketching, cooking, art & craft and the list goes on. Awesome! all the extra curricular activities in school made it possible. While some conventional events were retained, few new activities were added which work well on digital platform. Watching the Camfordians being sensitive on delicate yet important issues such as mental health – End the Stigma and usage of social media was indeed a treat to the eyes.

On the other hand, the students who participated in the Sports weaved around the name ‘Camfordics’ had a phenomenal experience of yoga, spot jogging, air cycling and much more! The show held the audience in awe and left them enchanted as the show culminated. To experience the same check out our YouTube channel! This gala event was full of gusto which helped the students’ escape the hard quarantine lifestyle and made them zestful. 

No matter what the situation is, the Camfordians unquestionably know how to break the ice!