Hang On, Parent Corner, Pupil

Its all about parent child relationship. A lot has been written about the relationship between parents and children. Almost every parent knows that it is indeed important to develop a healthy relationship with their children. A positive relationship goes a long way in ensuring that you raise a well –behaved child. So, what are the keys for this relationship? How well do you know your child? How well is your relationship with your child? Let’s take a closer look.

The key to develop a healthy relationship

One of the key to develop a healthy parent child relationship with your child is to spend quality time with them. We all know that the modern day lifestyle is such that time has become a precious commodity. However busy your schedule maybe, there are ways in which you could still squeeze out some quality parenting time. Making it a point to have at least one meal together, for example, dinner, could be a good starting point.

Mothers, even the working ones, can surely make some time for bed time stories for their kids. Similarly, playing along with them is a good, fun idea. A quick game of ‘gully’ cricket in front of your house, a round of carrom, badminton, basketball, etc., just about anything that involves play is a great way to spend time with your child and make them feel that you genuinely care for them.

Opens up channels of communication

One good thing about spending quality time with your children is that it all opens up channels of communication with them. You need to convey your unconditional love for your kids. Tell them that your affection towards them doesn’t depend on factors such as their performance in an exam. Tell them that they mean the world to you.

Having frequent chats with your child will ensure that they are sharing their innermost feelings with you. Remember, your empathy can go a long way in the development of their self-confidence. So, make it a point to give a patient hearing to your kids, however silly the talk may appear. The point here is not the topic of discussion, but to show that you are always there to listen to them.

A helping hand in school activities

When it comes to academics and related activities always try to encourage them. Lend them a helping hand in school activities. Praise their good work. Try and take time off to attend their school events. All these go a long way in helping develop a positive relationship with children.

At The Camford School our endeavour has always been towards providing the ideal atmosphere for the wholesome development of a child’s personality. Our efforts to this end have made us being counted among the premier CBSE schools in Coimbatore.