Sports Person Talks…

Sports activities in Schools always engage students actively. We are living in an increasingly competitive world. You take any field today, there is intense...

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Self Esteem of a Child

Human life is forever confronted with this eternal dilemma of what you are and what others think you are. The best CBSE schools aim...

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Psychological Behaviour in Children

Innovative teaching methods in schools have the potential to improve education that involves new ways of interaction between “Teacher – Student” and also in...

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Team spirit of Camfordians

Along with the academic proficiency best quality CBSE School in Coimbatore enhances and strengthens the social character in children too. Always we believe that...

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State of togetherness

Students must be given different co-curricular responsibilities in order to develop their state of togetherness and team spirit. Best Quality CBSE school not only...

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Practice does make perfect

Not for nothing do they say ‘practice makes perfect’. There are dozens of examples of people making it big in their fields, through years...

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